On an average day in Australia…

Visits to GPs
Prescriptions Filled
Mental Health Services Provided
Visits to Emergency Departments
Visits to Hospital Outpatient Clinics

Chronic Conditions


Half of us have at least one of the following:

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Mental health conditions
  • Arthritis
  • Back pain / problems
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes

Recent Research in Australia

This page is an extract of information from a study by University of Sydney scholars. They report that between 2012 and 2016, 40% of Australians had at least one chronic health problem and a quarter had two or more chronic conditions.

This largest ever national study of chronic health conditions involved a survey of 1,449 General Practitioners who recorded the diagnosed chronic conditions of 43,501 patients. After adjusting for population, the study estimates that the prevalence of these chronic health problems as follows:

Mental Health


20% of adults experience mental illness in any year.

15% of children / young adults experience mental illness in any year.

45%  of Australian from the age of 16 – 85 yrs will experience mental health issues in their life. E.g. anxiety, substance disorders and mood disorders.

Recommended help lines:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyondblue 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

The Disease Burden

This is a measure of the impact that disease has on the population. It counts the years of life Australia looses to ill health, due to people dying early, living with ill health.
The top disease burdens are shown by age and gender.


Top disease burdens



63% of Australians from 18 yrs and older are overweight / obese.

28% of children from 5 to 17 are overweight /obese.

They are at greater risk of having chronic conditions like: arthritis, back pain/ problems, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Find out how your BMI compares to others.

Leading Causes of Death

The graph below shows the major causes of death for females and males.


Diet & Exercise


99% of children don’t eat the recommended amount of vegetables.

96% of adults don’t eat the recommended amount of vegetables.

92% of children (13 to 17 yrs) do not get the recommended amount of exercise.

1/3 of Australians have high blood pressure.

Small lifestyle changes may bring big health gains.

And so… What does this mean for you?

What is your health like at the moment? If you are happy with your current state, that is fantastic.

If not, what are you doing about it? What have you tried?
A little more exercise… made better choices with your food?
Did it work?

Have you tried everything, and don’t know what else to do?
Then maybe it is time you came to visit us.
We have a few services that are not widely known at the moment but are all gaining popularity as more an more people are experiencing them.

  • Body Stress Release is fantastic for pain.
  • Kinesiology gives relief from a multitude of physical, mental and emotional issues.
  • LEAP focuses on learning and coordination challenges.


Request your free 10 min assessment by texting 0424 380 089 or clicking on this link