- Adrenal fatigue – The 21st century stress syndrome by J Wilson
- The joy of stress by Peter Hanson
- You’re not fat, you’re toxic by Stephanie Relfe
- Digestive Intelligence by Irina Matveikova, MD
- Nutrition for the brain – Feeding your brain for optimum performance Dr Charles Krebs
- The broken brain DVD collection by Dr Mark Hyman
- Brain foods, Brain poisons: autism as a case in point Dr Igor Tabrizian
- Visual textbook of nutritional medicine by Dr Igor Tabrizian
- How to read a 21st century hair analysis by Dr Igor Tabrizian
- A revolutionary way of thinking – From a near fatal accident to a new science of healing by Dr Charles Krebs and Jenny Brown.
- The brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge, MD
- Rewire the anxious brain by Catherine Pittman PhD and Elizabeth Karle
- Neuroimmunity by Michael Schwartz
- The addicted brain – why we abuse drugs, alcohol and nicotine by Michael J Kuhar
- Thank you, brain by Shani Grove
- Memory bible by Dr Earl Mindell PhD
- Nutritional aspects of depression and mental health by Dr Igor Tabrizian
- Degenerative Diseases of the brain by Dr Igor Tabrizian
- The teenage brain by Frances E. Jensen, MD
- Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras, PhD
- Boundaries with kids by Dr Herny Cloud and Dr John Townsend
- Reflexes, learning and behaviour by Sally Goddard
- Vibrational Medicine – Dr Richard Gerber
- Energetic kinesiology – Principles and Practice by Charles Krebs & Tania O’Neill McGowan
- Super brain – Unleash the explosive power of your mind by Deepak Chopra
- Dark side of the light chasers by Debbie Ford
- Eastern body, western mind by Judith Anodea
- You can Heal your life by Louise L Hay
- The secret language of your body by Inna Segal
- Metaphysical anatomy by Evette Rose
- Astrology for the soul by Jan Spiller
- The undefended self – living the path work by Susan Thesenga
- The movie called ‘Heal‘ on Netflix – Director Kelly Noonan