- Can’t get to sleep
- Feel like you are dragging yourself around
- More sleep doesn’t help
- Your body aches
- You feel irritable
- You are craving salty foods
- You need something sugary in the afternoon
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Has this been going on for a long time? Is there some adrenal fatigue?
- Has something traumatic happened recently?
- Is your digestive system under stress?
- Is there a hormonal link?
- Is your body fighting an infection?
- Are you in pain which is draining your energy?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Low energy
- Headaches
- Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
- Aches, pains, and tense muscles
- Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
- Insomnia
- Frequent colds and infections
- Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Has this been going on for a long time?
- Has something changed in your daily routine?
- Has something happened to a family member?
- Have you got/had chronic illness or injury?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Three pillars
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Excessive worry
- Feeling agitated
- Restlessness
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability
- Irrational fears
- Panic attacks
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Has something changed in your daily life?
- Has something traumatic happened recently?
- Is your digestive system under stress?
- Is there a hormonal link?
- Is there a past trauma triggering you?
- Is this a reaction to medication?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Gaits
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Hyoid
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Heartburn
- Reflux and heart burn
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pain in the belly
- Stomach cramps
- Flatulence
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is your body sensitive to specific foods?
- How much wheat are you eating?
- Does your body react to dairy products?
- Is your body not processing certain food groups effectively?
- Is there a build up of toxins in your system?
- Is there leaky gut or excess candida?
- Do we need to investigate the histology?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Gaits
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Hyoid
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Fatigue
- Acne
- Weight gain
- Breast tenderness
- Bloating (due to fluid retention)
- Sleep disturbances with sleeping too much or too little (insomnia)
- Appetite changes with over eating or food cravings
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Are the relevant hormones out of sync?
- Is your body reacting to the pill?
- Is there an issue with the oestrogen levels?
- Is your body confused about where you are in your cycle?
- Is there a histological aspect?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Gaits
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Hyoid
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Early symptoms – change in menstrual periods
- Hot flushes, night sweats, flushes
- Problems sleeping
- Pain in your joints and tiredness
- Anxiety or mood changes
- Weight gain
- Dry vagina
- Overactive bladder or discomfort
- Memory problems
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Are the relevant hormones out of sync?
- Is there an issue with the progesterone /oestrogen levels?
- Is your body reacting to medication?
- Is your body not absorbing and utilising the nutrients it needs.
- Are your stress levels high?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Figure of eights
- Amygdala
- Etc.
- Sleep apnea
- High blood pressure
- Asthma
- Joint and muscle pain
- Gall stones
- Crave sugary food
- Diabetes
- Breathing problems
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional eating?
- Is there a build up of toxins?
- Is there a food addiction?
- Is this a reaction to medication?
- Do we need to explore the histology?
- Is there a lack of exercise due to pain issues?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Gaits
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Hyoid
- Amygdala
- etc
- Painful back
- Neck pain
- Sciatica
- Tight jaw
- Joint pain
- Etc.
These are some of the areas we explore:
- Is this linked to an emotional stress?
- Is this nerve related?
- Should we explore the histology of the cells?
- Could there be infection?
- Is there arthritis?
- Is it linked to inflammation?
- Etc.
Then we determine the best set of corrections to use:
- Chakra
- Hologram
- Nadi
- Gaits
- Cloacals
- Seven elements
- Five elements
- Hyoid
- Amygdala
- Etc.