First of all, are you a back person, neck person, or both?
Back people tend to experience one or more of these signs: backache, a back that has gone into spasm, a stiff back when you wake up in the morning (although it disappears after you’ve moved around for about 10 minutes), pains down the legs, tingling sensations in your feet, don’t enjoy standing for long, sometimes your knees buckle under you for no obvious reason, feels like you are dragging your one leg when you are walking.
Neck people tend to have some of these signs: a sore stiff neck, limited movement of the neck, headaches, pain down the arm/s, tingling/numbness in the fingers, weakness in the arm/s or fingers, soreness in the muscles in the upper back, jaw pain.
These are some of the reasons why our clients come to Body Stress Release. This technique is also beneficial for babies and children. In fact, anyone that has experienced physical, emotional or chemical stress would benefit; as these stresses are stored in the muscles.
Body Stress Release Technique
Body Stress Release is a technique that tests for lines of stress in the muscles. It uses a movement in the feet to provide a bio-feedback response to the light hand tests. When areas of stress are found, the practitioner applies a series of precise, gentle impulses using their thumb which initiates messages to the brain about the stored stress. The brain sends instructions to the relevant parts of the body to initiate the healing process.