.If the thought of needles piercing your skin does not appeal to you, then you will be delighted by this friendly alternative.

Functional Kinesiology practitioners make use of the meridian system that was identified and used in ancient Chinese medicine.  The meridian system is a system that is different to the circulation and nervous systems.  We make use of fourteen meridians that follow different paths near the skin’s surface.  Each meridian line has a number of acupoints along it, likes beads on a string.  The acupoints can be detected on the skin’s surface; as there is a different electrical charge where each acupoint is located.  These acupoints can be monitored using specialised equipment, that is becoming more freely available.

Energy (Chí) flows along these interconnected meridian pathways.  When there is a blockage in this flow of energy, it results in a build-up of energy in some areas, and a lack in other areas.  This imbalance results in inflammation, pain and other symptoms.  When the energy block is removed through the correct stimulation, energy flows freely and the related issues go away.

Kinesiologist work with these acupoints throughout the session to test for stresses and provide stimulation.  We apply pressure to the acupoint with our fingers or a spring-loaded instrument called a Taichin. This is a bit like a spring-loaded click pen.  Usually, this gentle stimulation just feels like pressure.  When there is an imbalance at the acupoint, we use different techniques to bring it back into balance.

From a scientific point of view:

  • Scientists (KM Hu, CP Wang, HJ Xie and J Henning 2006) found that stimulating different acupoints resulted in consistent cortical and sub-cortical activity. Whereas stimulating random (non-acupoint) areas, did not produce a consistent brain pattern response.
  • In Chinese medicine, pain is described as an over energy in a particular area  (Dr CT Krebs & T O’Neill McGowan in Energetic Kinesiology).

The acupuncture meridian system is both a diagnostic interface, as well as a therapeutic interface.  Energy changes in the meridian system show the presence of illness.  In Vibrational Medicine, Dr Richard Gerber writes that, energy can be introduced into the meridian system to promote healing of disease via acupressure.