Tragedy often drives people to find a new or better way of doing things. This is the story of what happened to Dr Charles Krebs in 1982 and the amazing work it led him to.
Dr Charles Krebs was a fit young marine scientist. When he went for a 65 m dive with friends, that resulted in him having cerebro-spinal bends. This is when nitrogen bubbles start forming in the spine. As the bubble moved up his spine, he started becoming uncoordinated, then loosing sensation in his feet. A paralysis started moving up his body, to his arms and chest. Luckily, they managed to get him into a decompression chamber and pressurized it to 50 m. At which stage he started getting back some feeling in his fingers and toes and could move his arms a little. As the pressure was reduced to 30 m he lost all sensation below his neck. A blood clot had formed near the nitrogen and it was blocking the flow of blood to the spine.
Over a couple of days, and through a form of oxygen therapy and compression, they managed to slowly dissolve the blood clot. As his body started to recover, he initially had uncoordinated movements without feeling. Then gradually over time some of the arm movements became more coordinated and some sensations started to return. He would have to relearn all his motor patterns. They thought that he would never walk again.
Charles knew about moving Chi (energy) from his involvement in karate. So, he used this principle to visualise sending an electrical charge down the nerve pathways to each muscle that was not responding. He visualised smashing any obstacles in his way. Every day, he would spend hours sending energy and trying to will the muscles into movement. Charles kept up this practice for each muscle, until eventually he started getting some movement and a degree of control. After 6 months of relentless rehabilitation, he finally managed to slowly walk out of the hospital on two walking sticks.
The breakthrough
After some time, one of Charles’ friends organised for him to see Dr Bruce Dewe, a medical doctor that had studied kinesiology. At the end of the session, he initially felt like he could hardly balance as there had been so much change in his neurology. Fifteen minutes later, he was walking in a totally different way. This massive change had a profound impact on Charles. He could not explain the changes he experienced with his current understanding of how the body worked. But, Dr Dewe’s model that was based on an energetic system, had worked in a short time.
This life changing revelation, lead Charles to attend a course run by Dr Dewe, called ‘One Brain Kinesiology’. This course focused on helping clients with dyslexia and other learning problems. Charles had the perfect opportunity to validate his new skills, as his current job involved teaching an improved reading course. Due to his scientific background, he wanted to understand how and why these kinesiology techniques had managed to bring about the changes he witnessed.
The birth of LEAP
This led to years of research and experimentation, which resulted in Charles and Susan McCrossin developing their own kinesiology program called Learning Enhancement Advanced Program (LEAP). Charles describes LEAP as ‘that can change people’s lives in a way that allows their true self-confidence to flourish… and connects them to their true learning potential’. (A revolutionary way of thinking – From a near fatal accident to a new science of healing by Dr Charles Krebs and Jenny Brown)